About Ryan Lynch

Captain Ryan Lynch is originally from Indianapolis, Indiana where he currently resides. He began flying at 14 years old. Ryan is a commercial airline pilot for Republic Airways dba Delta Connection and holds a bachelors degree in Aeronautical Science with minor in Aviation Weather from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. He is also pursuing his masters and doctorate degree from Liberty University.
Ryan is the Founder of the NAYR (Nation Aviation Youth Resources) Foundation and Director of Indianapolis/Indiana ACE Academy. He also is founding President of Indianapolis Chapter of Women In Aviation (WAI) and serves on Board Of Directors for TeenWorks Organization, The Mind Program Corporation, and Voice Of The Victim Organization. Ryan also devotes his time as a member of Indianapolis Chapter Pilot For Kids, Big Brothers Big Sisters Central Indiana, and National Organization Black Aerospace Professional (OBAP).
Ryan is a recipient of various community and outstanding service awards. He is passionate speaker to youth and other community organizations.
“Flying is more than a sport and more than a job; flying is pure passion and desire, which fill a lifetime” -Adolf Galland